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ATOMS Christmas

A post in our latest news section.

ATOMS are running a kids Christmas themed art competition with the work entered being displayed from Saturday 16th until the end of the Christmas holidays. Please feel very free to get your child to do a piece for the competition. Each piece will need the child’s name and age on the back and the class and school they attend. Entry is completely FREE and the winners will be chosen by the ATOMS and Consett Heart teams and the prizes will be a range of art supplies. Entries can be brought in to Brooms School and will be collected by ATOMS on the morning of Friday 15th December.

Alternatively parents/carers can also enter their children’s artwork by emailing ATOMS at

On Saturday 16th December 2023, ATOMS are running a family Christmas Quiz from 6.30pm to 8.30pm which will be chock full of festive fun.

It’s £5 a family to enter and families can sign up here

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