At St Joseph's, the curriculum is designed so that our pupils strive to be successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
Here at Our Lady and St Joseph, Brooms Catholic Primary School we are committed to providing pupils with a curriculum that prepares them for the future, inspires and motivates as well as building perseverance and resilience.
We strive to offer stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at the heart of all we do. To find out more about the School Curriculum please contact the school office.
Here at Our Lady and St Joseph, Brooms Catholic Primary School we are committed to providing pupils with a curriculum that prepares them for the future, inspires and motivates as well as building perseverance and resilience.
We strive to offer stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at the heart of all we do.
We believe that our curriculum should be completely inclusive, where everyone is helped to achieve their very best, in an environment where difference is celebrated and all pupils recognise their own unique strengths and qualities. We endeavour to support all members of the school community in discovering and developing their special talents and gifts, whilst fostering a love of learning, a wonder of creation, a respect for themselves and others and a desire to be the best people they can be. We want our pupils to learn and be nurtured in a warm, supportive and inclusive school, where the aspirations, access and attainment of all learners is the key to success. We want pupils to develop positive relationships with one another, recognise their place within the school and wider community and the Parish.
Our curriculum is bespoke to the needs of the pupils of Our Lady and St Joseph, Brooms Catholic Primary School, not only by focussing on appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, but by encompassing academic, creative, technological, sporting and extra-curricular activities that allow each child to demonstrate their own strengths and talents. We endeavour to provide a broad curriculum which enriches spoken language, builds vocabulary specific to curriculum areas and gives pupils the confidence to communicate in the written and spoken word. We are committed to giving all children equal access to enrichment activities in the form of visits, visitors and outdoor experiences to enhance provision. We want children to recognise the importance of good mental health, the ability to pause and look in awe at their surroundings, the ability to take their learning outdoors and to be outward looking pupils, who are able to engage in learning about themselves and have an understanding of the wider world and its complex cultures.
Pupils will have opportunities to influence their own learning through age appropriate and progressive themes and topics. They will develop sound learning characteristics including being ambitious, resilient, reflective and imaginative. Curriculum plans and themes will inspire them to learn. Staff will ensure that opportunities to respond to unplanned, spontaneous opportunities are also embraced.
Our children will have the ability to form and maintain positive relationships with others and recognise key qualities in themselves and others. They will have a confident set of skills, be able to recall key facts, and have a love of learning to stand them in good stead as they continue their journey through school and life. In short they will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and develop more spiritually, socially and emotionally. Thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education.
We believe that art is a vital part of children’s education.
We develop children’s character through the taught Behaviour curriculum.
We aim to equip children to participate in a changing world
We prepare children to deal with tomorrow’s world.
We ensure pupils are able to communicate their knowledge. Please see your child’s class page for further information about the English text they are currently studying
We believe that a quality music curriculum should engage and inspire our children to develop a love of music and offer them the opportunity to become musicians
We aim to inspire pupil curiosity about their world.
We aim to develop a child’s curiosity about the past.
We aim to develop the knowledge, fundamental movement skills and capabilities.
We aim to give all children a strong understanding
of the world around them.
We aim to give all children an excellent Religious Education; deepening understand of the Catholic faith and other world faiths.
Document Name | |
EYFS Long Term Plan 2024-2025 | View |
Long Term Plan KS1 (YR 1-2) 2024-2025 | View |
Long Term Plan KS2 – Class 2 (YR3-4) 2023-2024 (Cycle A) | View |
Long Term Plan KS2 – Class 3 (YR5-6) 2023-2024 | View |
Tips for Reading with your children at home
1. Encourage your child to read
Reading helps your child’s wellbeing, develops imagination and has educational benefits too. Just a few minutes a day can have a big impact on children of all ages.
2. Read aloud regularly
Try to read to your child every day. It’s a special time to snuggle up and enjoy a story. Stories matter and children love re-reading them and poring over the pictures. Try adding funny voices to bring characters to life.
3. Encourage reading choice
Give children lots of opportunities to read different things in their own time – it doesn’t just have to be books. There’s fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, magazines, recipes and much more. Try leaving interesting reading material in different places around the home and see who picks it up.
4. Read together
Choose a favourite time to read together as a family and enjoy it. This might be everyone reading the same book together, reading different things at the same time, or getting your children to read to each other. This time spent reading together can be relaxing for all.
5. Create a comfortable environment
Make a calm, comfortable place for your family to relax and read independently – or together.
6. Make use of your local library
Libraries in England are able to open from 4 July, so visit them when you’re able to and explore all sorts of reading ideas. Local libraries also offer brilliant online materials, including audiobooks and ebooks to borrow. See Libraries Connected for more digital library services and resources.
7. Talk about books
This is a great way to make connections, develop understanding and make reading even more enjoyable. Start by discussing the front cover and talking about what it reveals and suggests the book could be about. Then talk about what you’ve been reading and share ideas. You could discuss something that happened that surprised you, or something new that you found out. You could talk about how the book makes you feel and whether it reminds you of anything.
8. Bring reading to life
You could try cooking a recipe you’ve read together. Would you recommend it to a friend? Alternatively, play a game where you pretend to be the characters in a book, or discuss an interesting article you’ve read.
9. Make reading active
Play games that involve making connections between pictures, objects and words, such as reading about an object and finding similar things in your home. You could organise treasure hunts related to what you’re reading. Try creating your child’s very own book by using photos from your day and adding captions.
10. Engage your child in reading in a way that suits them
You know your child best and you’ll know the best times for your child to read. If they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) then short, creative activities may be the way to get them most interested. If English is an additional language, encourage reading in a child’s first language, as well as in English. What matters most is that they enjoy it.
| Page Views | 645
Updated | 21st October, 2024 |
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
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