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Mini Vinnies

What are Mini Vinnies?

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Mini Vinnies are children aged between 7-11 (or younger) who, with permission of their parents and the support of their schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible “Vincentians for Life” as Mini Vinnies, the youngsters have their own treasured prayer, pledge and badge which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to becomes in every sense, Mini Vinnies!

Mini Vinnies at Our Lady and St Joseph’s

Mrs Williamson leads our group of Mini Vinnies and are continuing to explore Catholic Social Teaching.

The Mini Vinnies will meet with Mrs Williamson every week.

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Updated | 5th February, 2025 |

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