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Childcare Provision / After School Clubs

Primary Schools are now required to publish, alongside their Performance information, a list of their childcare provision, making it easier for parents/carers to know what is available.

Childcare Provision / After School Clubs

Our Lady & St Joseph Brooms Catholic Primary School are pleased to offer Childcare Provision every morning, Monday to Friday 8.00am. Children will be admitted between 8am – 8.15am.

Please note we do not provide breakfast, however children are allowed to bring their own packed breakfast if they wish. 

Unfortunately latecomers will not be admitted.

After School Clubs are now in place of Child Care Provision, please see list below.

Monday Football ClubNo Charge
Tuesday Mini Vinnies £1.00
Wednesday Sports Club No Charge
Thursday Sum Dog £1.00
Friday No  after school clubs 

If you are interested in any of the above, please book your child’s place (for the week) by Monday morning at the latest, either by phone or email.

Telephone: 01207 503979 or email:

Numbers are limited to 20 places per club, therefore it is important to book a place, as it will be on a first come first serve basis.

If payment is required please send this in an envelope/money bag clearly marked or alternatively pay via the Arbor app. The money collected will be used for snacks and resources for these clubs, the school will not make any profit.

The clubs will finish promptly at 4.30pm, however we offer flexible earlier collection times if required.

Please note there is no After School Club on a Friday.

There will be a charge of £1.00 for morning Childcare Provision and for some After School Clubs. Payments should be made weekly by via the Arbor app, cash or cheque, please make cheques payable to ‘Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust.’

All staff have appropriate Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding Training.

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Updated | 7th January, 2025 |

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