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Centre for Teaching

Find information about our Centre for Teaching.

Centre for Teaching

Welcome to our Trust’s Centre for Teaching. We are delighted to share the work of all our schools.

Our Centre for Teaching can offer support with getting into teaching, the Early Career Framework, National Professional Qualifications at all levels and your continuing professional development. The Centre for Teaching is able to support you throughout your career from initial training to expert teacher, from leadership to Headship.

Let us guide your journey.

| Page Views | 498

Updated | 23rd September, 2022 |

Latest News

Safer Internet Day

Today we are celebrating Safer Internet Day. Each class have heard all about the importance of staying safe online. This year’s focus was making a positive difference online, we look forward to putting our learning into practice.

Road Safety

This afternoon Class 2 began their road safety training. We talked about risks and hazards we encounter every time we cross the road. We also learned the Green Cross Code, we look forward to putting this into practice on the roads next week. Lovely work Class 2

Class 2 – Special Visitors

Class 2 had some very special visitors this afternoon. A huge thank you to Sister Teresa, Sister Linzi and Sister Jessie for coming into school to speak with our class. The children had lots of questions to ask and learned a lot from the sisters. Thank you for the wonderful gifts you have given us.


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