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Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation

During Year 4, our children are given the opportunity to make the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.

This is a major part in the life of a Catholic. Though no one can replace the role of the parent/carer in preparing your child for this special moment, you are not alone in this task.

We follow the Diocesan Sacramental Preparation Programme. This programme involves home, parish and school.

The parish and school will always be ready to help and support. Our school, in its Religious Education lessons, will teach your child about Jesus, the Church, the Sacraments and especially about Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Our Lady and St Joseph Brooms Primary School and our Parish Catechist work very closely together to prepare the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the First Holy Communion celebration. The preparation of our children for these sacraments is an important time in the life of every school and Parish. It presents a special opportunity for developing their relationship with God, each other and society.

You will know that your child is ready to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation when in their own way they:

Know that God loves them and is always ready to forgive no matter what;

Know and understand what is meant by sin;

Are able to reflect on their own behaviour;

They want to express sorrow and to make amends;

And appreciate the place and importance of Reconciliation.

You will know that your child is ready to make their First Communion when in their own way they:

Know about Jesus, they pray to him want want to receive Communion with him and his church;

Show reverence and respect;

Know the difference between Holy Communion and ordinary food;

Be attentive and aware of what is happening during Mass;

Have some sense of belonging to the parish family.

Introductory MeetingTuesday 22.10.2024 at 3.30pmSchool
Liturgy 1Saturday 9.11.2024 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 1Tuesday 12.11.2024 at 3.30pmSchool
Liturgy 2Saturday 16.11.2024 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 2Tuesday 19.11.2024 at 3.30pmSchool
Liturgy 3Saturday 30.11.2024 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 3Tuesday 03.12.2024 at 3.30pmSchool
Carol ServiceSunday 01.12.2024 at 4.00pmBrooms Church
First ConfessionTuesday 14.01.2025 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Liturgy 4Saturday 08.02.2025 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 4Tuesday 11.02.2025 at 3.30pmSchool
Liturgy 5Saturday 08.03.2025 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 5 & 6Tuesday 11.03.2025 at 3.30pmSchool
Liturgy 7Saturday 10.05.2025 at 5.30pmBrooms Church
Session 7Tuesday 13.05.2025 at 3.30pmSchool

Holy Communion Rehearsal to be confirmed near the time, this will take place in Brooms Church

First Holy Communion Mass – Saturday 14 June 2025 at 12 noon – Brooms Church

Congratulations to all of our children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

A very special part of their faith journey. We are very proud of you all.

Huge thank you to Fr John and Fr Shaun as well as Mrs Wilks for all her work in helping the children prepare.

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Updated | 15th January, 2025 |

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