At Our Lady and St Joseph, Brooms, Catholic Primary School, we regard the safeguarding of children as our main priority.
At Our Lady and St Joseph, Brooms, Catholic Primary School, we regard the safeguarding of children as our main priority. We believe that we all have the right to be happy, to be safe and to learn. We all have the responsibility to make this happen.
To view our policies in relation to safeguarding, please visit our policies page using the link below.
We are all responsible for ensuring that each child remains safe, however the Designated Leads for Safeguarding are Mrs Joanne Cruise and Mrs Heather Jarvis
We follow strict procedures to ensure that everyone who works with our children are vetted, keeping our children as safe as possible.
Our first concern must be the well-being of your child and therefore there may be occasions when we have to consult other agencies before we contact you. The procedures we have to follow have been laid down in accordance with the Local Authority Child Protection Procedures.
We are fortunate to be supported by a range of external agencies which can be called upon to support the work we do in school. These include School Nurse, Health Practitioners, Parent Support Advisor, Educational Welfare Officers, Educational Psychologists, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services, Behaviour Support, Social Services and Specialists in supporting Special Educational Needs.
Further to the above procedures, we have in place a concerns and complaints policy. This enables children, staff and carers to report anything they feel is of concern.
Concerns should be raised in the following order.
In order to ensure that best practice is maintained, our policies are reviewed at least regularly to incorporate the latest statutory guidance emerge.
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Updated | 3rd November, 2022 |
This afternoon Class 2 began their road safety training. We talked about risks and hazards we encounter every time we cross the road. We also learned the Green Cross Code, we look forward to putting this into practice on the roads next week. Lovely work Class 2
Published: February 10, 2025
Class 2 had some very special visitors this afternoon. A huge thank you to Sister Teresa, Sister Linzi and Sister Jessie for coming into school to speak with our class. The children had lots of questions to ask and learned a lot from the sisters. Thank you for the wonderful gifts you have given us.
Published: February 6, 2025
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
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