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School Uniform

At their March 2021 meeting, our Local Governing Committee ratified an updated version of our school uniform policy.

School Uniform

We are proud of our uniform and how it helps to show we belong to Our Lady & St Joseph Brooms Catholic Primary School.

Please put your child’s name in all items of clothing (including PE), particularly jumpers, coats, shoes and wellington boots.  This makes it a lot easier for children to have the right clothes at the end of the day.

Our branded uniform supplier is Tots to Teams Ltd –

Any unbranded uniform e.g. polo shirts/trousers/skirts can be purchased from your own choice of retailer.

Orders for School Uniform can be placed at the school office.  Payments must be made at the time of ordering.

If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to ‘Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust.’

Click on Schools, and scroll to Our Lady & St Joseph Logo and order your chosen items.  Orders will be delivered to school for collection.

Second Hand School Uniform

Donated second hand school uniform is also available from school throughout the year.

Please contact the school office if you require any uniform for your child.

At intervals throughout the year, we hold a school uniform stall. Donated school jumpers/cardigans/coats/polo tops will be available to any parents/carers who may need them.

School Uniform

  • Purple Jumpers or Cardigans
  • Black or Grey Skirt or Pinafore
  • Black or Grey, Plain Trousers
  • White Shirts or Blouses (tucked in at all times)

Warmer Weather

  • Purple and White Checked or Striped Dress
  • Plain Dark Shorts
  • White ‘Polo’ Shirt

PE Uniform

All children participate in PE, Dance and Music activities; therefore it is important that they have the following:

  • PE Kit is part of our school uniform and as a result of this children must wear dark jogging bottoms, white polo top, school cardigan or school jumper and plimsolls.    No other clothing is appropriate. 
  • Children who are unable to wear correct PE Kit must come to school in normal school uniform and bring their own PE Kit in a bag to change into at the start of the lesson.
  • Dark shorts can be used in the summer months

Children should dress appropriately for weather conditions.  In the summer it is vital that children wear sun hats or caps.  Sun cream should also be applied to children before they arrive at school on hot summer days.

Boots/Wellington Boots and warm waterproof coats should be worn in the winter. A change of footwear should also be brought in to school.

School Bags

Reading Bags are provided for all children in Reception.  If a child loses their Reading Bag please contact the school office to order another at the cost of £5.76 (school) or £6.00 (online).

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Updated | 17th October, 2024 |

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