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Christmas 2023

A post in our latest news section.

Friday 1 December 2023 – Non-Uniform Day

Collecting for our Local Councillor, Kathryn Rooney who will be helping children on our behalf

It is also the start of Advent so children can wear purple if they wish

Monday 4 December 2023 – start collecting for Reverse Advent Calendar

As we have in the past, we are asking for the following items please:



Gloves, hats, scarves, socks

Books, toys, craft items, Christmas crackers

Tinned, packet, dried foods

Biscuits, chocolates, cakes

Tuesday 5 December 2023 – Panto Visit

We are asking for any unwanted/spare Christmas jumpers, so that children can wear these for our visit (and also for our Christmas Parties and Christmas Lunch)

Donations of unwanted jumpers can be brought in any time before Monday 4 December 2023

Friday 8 December 2023 – Christmas Fair

We are asking for the following donations:

Tombola Prizes

Raffle Prizes



Cakes (to be brought morning of Fair please)

Bottles (bubble bath/sauces/drinks – any alcohol can be handed straight to school office)

We will also be holding a ‘Bake Off’ Competition (further information to follow)

Salvation Army Toy Appeal

We are also supporting the Salvation Army Toy appeal, so we would be very grateful for any new toys.

Can we ask that when you bring your donations into school, that you please clearly mark which charity/event they are for, this will help us to sort all items.

Thank you so much for helping us 💖💖

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